Do You Believe in Infinite Possibilities?


The world of Infinite Possibility! It’s so juicy, isn’t it? So……do you dare to believe it could be true?

We are incredibly conditioned to believe all that we see. About 10 years ago, sitting in Circle with women, was when I first heard about ‘belief systems’. You know when you hear a concept and you know it’s for you, right at that moment? That was me and I was paying attention! I always had an inner inclination to question systems and didn’t really understand why. I thought it was the part of me that was a bit counter-culture. In reality, it was because when we look at any system, or anything that exists really, it’s here to be questioned. Is it my belief or someone else’s I am seeing?

Recently I embarked on the daily lessons of A Course in Miracles. The starter lessons have you observe the environment around you and your thoughts related to those things. If you are ready to do the work, it’s fascinating. The goal in my eyes is to assist us in de-conditioning our minds to all that we have been taught in society, culture, and our family of origin. This is not done because we are against anything, but to move us closer to love versus fear.

It’s the conditioning and fear that leads us to finite possibilities and a world of duality where there is only one or two options in situations we face (our relationships, our work, our bodies). When you hold your thoughts lightly and question them, when you are willing to ask the Universe “Does this really belong to me?”, you get closer and closer to who you are at your essence. It allows you to see the truth of who you are and opens up many possibilities.

I don’t know about you but dwelling in the land of miracles and possibilities feels exhilarating. This is not reserved for some of us, excluding anyone. And the more we get talking about allowing ourselves or giving ourselves the permission to blossom into who it is we are meant to become, we add love and light to this world. I center my coaching around these principles that hold you in the highest light, available to create a myriad of outcomes in your life.

Care to join me in the creation? Email me at


I’m Maureen Spielman, a conscious life coach.

With a mind, body, and spirit approach to healing, I will be your guide to a new way of living. My job is to provide a compassionate container of support to help you connect to your deepest truths, honor your greatest desires, and let go of anything preventing you from lasting joy.


Healing Resentment and Anger: A Spiritual Guide to Inner Peace