
Hello! If you’ve landed on this page, chances are, you’d like to learn more about my own journey, background, and qualifications. Let’s dive in!

As is true for so many of us, my life has included lots of twists and turns. Each of these detours has ultimately led to my own healing and has allowed me to facilitate incredible transformations with my clients. Healing myself from a devastating diagnosis, tending to childhood wounds, exploring my inner world in therapy, and raising my own children have each planted the seeds for me to serve as a steady guide to help women reconnect back to their core selves.

I have completed my Certification with Suzi Lula, Spiritual Therapist, as a Soul Care Coach. Suzi’s program, Soul Care Certification: The Art and Practice of Spiritual Psychology, informs much of my coaching and marries the principles of spirituality and traditional psychology.

I have also completed Dr. Shefali Tsabary’s Conscious Parenting Method™ Certification Program (CPMCP)™ . Additionally, I have completed certifications in Health Coaching and Dr. Kelly A. Turner’s Radical Remission — a program focused on helping people heal from chronic conditions in unexpected ways.

It is a true honor to be a conduit to help my clients find deeper clarity, experience more peace, and rebuild their lives on their own terms. You are the holder of your answers deep within. Whether you are a mother looking for guidance with the awesome (and overwhelming!) process of raising children, a woman at midlife working to develop stronger communication skills and boundaries, or someone feeling stuck and eager for change — I’m here to help. Feel free to reach out here to schedule a consultation.