How Cultural Conditioning Affects Women’s Lives


Cultural conditioning is generally thought of as a social process in which authority figures - our parents, teachers, religions, political powers, and media - define our belief systems and individual and cultural values which all affect how we perceive ourselves. It occurs in our daily lives whether we realize it or not. 

Whether you're feeling frustrated, stuck, or uncertain about your future, this post is for you.

The obvious ways cultural conditioning shows up in my life include:

  • The way I am supposed to parent our children (raising disciplined, well behaved children following a fairly linear path)

  • The pressures of modern childhood (keeping up in school, engaging in extracurricular)

  • The pressure I feel to look a certain way (dress my age, weigh a certain amount)

  • Expectations of the school environment (everyone taking high level classes, getting great grades, going to a great college)

  • Being a woman who keeps quiet and goes with the flow of the patriarchy

Here are some of the ways cultural conditioning shows up in our collective lives:

  1. Gender Roles: One of the most pervasive forms of cultural conditioning is gender roles, the expectations and assumptions society places on men and women based on their biological sex. Women in midlife often find themselves trapped in narrowly defined roles as wives, mothers, and caretakers. These roles can be comforting and familiar, but they can also limit our sense of self and prevent us from exploring other aspects of our identity. Breaking free from gender roles requires challenging societal norms, advocating for diversity and inclusivity in all aspects of life, and embracing our own unique talents and interests.

  2. Beauty Standards: Another form of cultural conditioning that affects women's lives is beauty standards, the often-unattainable expectations society places on our physical appearance. As we age, we're told to fight wrinkles, gray hairs, and other signs of growing old, often at the expense of our health and well-being. Rejecting beauty standards means embracing our own age, embracing our natural beauty, and investing in self-care practices that nourish our mind, body, and soul. Such a huge one!

  3. Career Choices: Cultural conditioning can also affect women's career choices, limiting our options based on assumptions about gender roles, family responsibilities, and societal expectations. I see women in midlife discovering themselves and questioning their career choices or struggling to make meaningful change in their professional lives. Breaking free from what’s next for our work requires advocating for ourselves, seeking out mentors and role models, and embracing non-traditional career paths that align with our values and passions. I’ve walked this path and say Amen to this!

  4. Relationships: Relationships are another area of life where cultural conditioning can have a profound impact on women's lives. We're often taught to value romantic relationships above all else and to prioritize the needs of others over our own. Breaking free from relationship constraints means cultivating healthy boundaries, expressing our needs and desires, and surrounding ourselves with supportive, loving people who respect our autonomy and honor our worth.

  5. Spiritual and Emotional Life: Finally, cultural conditioning can affect women's spiritual and emotional lives, imposing limitations on our ability to explore our inner selves and connect with a higher power. Women in midlife may find themselves questioning their beliefs, struggling to find meaning and purpose, or feeling disconnected from their innermost selves. Breaking free from spiritual and emotional constraints requires exploring new ideas, embracing diversity in all its forms, and cultivating practices that nourish our souls and connect us with something greater than ourselves.

In what ways do you identify with these?

In what ways does cultural conditioning show up in your life?. 

As individuals and as a collective, we are awakening to a new world of possibilities, not just the limited possibilities we have been cultured to believe.

I believe change is afoot. The pandemic allowed individuals and entities to question the ways in which we went about life. Schools closed and we practiced online education. Businesses halted office work and have to reimagine what the in office experience looks like now. Individuals found that they could be more productive at home than in the office. Colleges dropped the need for test scores. Women are creating new career paths that bring them joy and allow them to shine! And women are speaking their truth more and more, whether in their relationships or out in the world. 

What cultural conditioning are you being called to reshape? What do you want to let go of?

Email me at to share your thoughts. And if you are in a process of your what’s next, consider joining the Mystical Sisterhood Membership. Visit the website here to find out more.


I’m Maureen Spielman, a conscious life coach.

With a mind, body, and spirit approach to healing, I will be your guide to a new way of living. My job is to provide a compassionate container of support to help you connect to your deepest truths, honor your greatest desires, and let go of anything preventing you from lasting joy.


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