How Can I Trust Myself?


Are you in a place in your life where you're feeling unsure of yourself and struggling to trust yourself? Is this question of “How can I trust myself more?” more important to you than ever? It may be if you are experiencing big changes in midlife – like a divorce, job loss, or empty nest syndrome, and you're feeling lost and disconnected from yourself. 

Or maybe you've been battling self-doubt and criticism for years and you're ready to break free from those limiting beliefs. Whatever your situation may be, the key to building a fulfilling and confident life is by developing inner trust. “It’s an inside job!” as they say.

Inner trust is the belief that you can count on yourself to:

  • make aligned decisions

  • navigate challenges by going to yourself first

  • honor your own needs and desires

It's a deep knowing that you are capable, worthy, and deserving of peaceful inner connection. And the great news is, it's a skill you can practice and cultivate, no matter where you are on your journey. In this blog post, I'll share some tips and strategies for building inner trust, so you can step into your power and live your best life.

1. Become aware of the voices that sabotage inner trust

For many women, the first step towards developing inner trust is building a connected relationship with themselves. Commit to become aware of your inner critic or your inner judge or your inner voices of shame - these all hold you back. Take note of the words or language that you may use to describe yourself and your experiences. Awareness is key to transforming what no longer serves you.

Create space in your day to signify that you are important and that your journey is sacred. Nothing else could be more true for you! Journaling, meditation, therapy, and coaching can all be helpful tools for exploring your inner landscape and building self-awareness. When you know what makes you tick and what matters most to you, you'll be better equipped to make decisions that align with your true self.

2. Practice self-compassion

Another key to developing inner trust is learning to be kind to yourself, even when things don't go according to plan. Self-compassion involves treating yourself as you would a friend who is struggling, with empathy, understanding, and support. Instead of beating yourself up for mistakes or setbacks, try offering yourself words of encouragement and reminding yourself that you're doing your best. This will help you build resilience and bounce back from challenges with greater ease. Phrases like “I see you”, “I hear you”, or “I want to know how your experience feels, please tell me more” are bridges to inner connection instead of broken bridges of disconnection. 

3. Cultivate this inner landscape of safety. 

In order to trust yourself, you must feel safe inside of yourself. Just as you would with an outer relationship, you would turn towards it if it felt safe to you. Your inner world is the same - if you aren’t cultivating a safe, supportive environment, you will not be able to create a solid inner trust.

4. Surround yourself with a supportive community

Developing inner trust can be challenging, especially if you've been battling self-doubt and criticism for a long time. That's why it's important to surround yourself with people who will lift you up and support you on your journey. Seek out friends, family members, or mentors who believe in you and can offer a true lens of who you are. Consider joining a women's group or attending workshops or retreats where you can connect with like-minded women who are on a similar path. The Mystical Sisterhood Memberships is a supportive community that fosters your personal growth, spirituality and community! After all, we are in this together!

5. Appreciate yourself and celebrate!

Finally, one of the best ways to build inner trust is by celebrating your successes, no matter how small they may seem. When you acknowledge your progress and give yourself credit for your hard work, you reinforce the belief that you're capable and competent. By celebrating your successes, you signal to yourself that you are putting yourself first which will pay off in dividends both inside and out!

Developing inner trust is a game-changing practice that can help you navigate the ups and downs of midlife with greater ease and confidence. These practices will become so important to your life if you begin to become more aware and commit to new practices to support yourself. You've got this!

If you are seeking support, consider reaching out to Maureen Spielman at to discuss coaching options or to join us in the Mystical Sisterhood Membership! We are waiting for you!!

Listen in to my Mystical Sisterhood Podcast Episode 30 “Developing Inner Trust” here!


I’m Maureen Spielman, a conscious life coach.

With a mind, body, and spirit approach to healing, I will be your guide to a new way of living. My job is to provide a compassionate container of support to help you connect to your deepest truths, honor your greatest desires, and let go of anything preventing you from lasting joy.


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